Wednesday, January 24, 2018

6 Surefire Tactics to Improve Your Mental Performance at Work

6 Surefire Tactics to Improve Your Mental Performance at Work
A ton of factors can collude to impair our mental capabilities at work. From stress to sleep deprivation, overwhelm, seasonal changes, personal challenges outside of work, and plain old boredom, there's seemingly no end to the list of things that can derail our mind's performance on the job.
While you may not be able to control all the factors that can diminish cognitive performance on the job, the good news is there are plenty of steps you can take to combat them. If you're feeling mentally sluggish, then the following six tactics will help you get your head back in the game —and keep it there.
1. Doodle while you work
Research has found that doodling while you complete a cognitive task can help keep your brain engaged and improve your memory. It seems the benefits are greatest when the cognitive task at hand is partly or totally boring (staff meetings, anyone?)--doodling during these tasks can help you stay focused and improve your ability to remember the topics being discussed.
2. Meditate
Mindfulness meditation--in simplest terms, the practice of being fully present with whatever you're experiencing--has been shown to keep the brain sharp. Regular practice will improve your ability to make sound decisions, think creatively, and fend off distractions and stressors at work.
3. Sleep well
Improve your sleep by adopting a regular sleep schedule, implementing relaxing bedtime rituals, keeping your bedroom at a cooler temperature, and investing in a comfortable mattress, pillow, and linens. If all else fails? Consider a power nap, which can give you a quick cognitive boost in a pinch.
4. Work out
Not only is exercise good for your physical health, but it can also improve your mental and cognitive wellbeing--and, by extension, your work performance. One study found that regularly participating in cardio can actually increase the size your hippocampus , which is the part of the brain responsible for learning and memory. Consistent exercise can even improve your ability to think clearly. And because exercise reduces stress and anxiety, it can help keep cognitive impairments at bay.
5. Up the ante
Our brains need to be regularly challenged if they're going to stay sharp. This means if you go to work and do the same thing every day, you're not going to get any smarter. But if you regularly challenge yourself to learn new things or think in new ways--either at work or outside of it--then you'll improve your cognitive abilities overall. Try taking up a new hobby, learning a new language, attending professional development workshops or retreats, or making small tweaks to your daily routine on a weekly basis to present your brain with regular challenges.
6. Give supplements a try
One study found that omega-3 supplementation improves cognitive performance and can activate the brain so it's firing on all cylinders; people who regularly consumed omega-3 supplements were also able to complete cognitive tasks more efficiently. Another great option is Vitamin D, which has been shown to improve the brain's ability to plan, process information, and remember learned information. And of course, there's the favorite supplement among overworked office workers: caffeine, which can improve alertness and focus. Just remember not to overdo it--it's important to use caffeine correctly for the best cognitive results.
Some of these tips might fall into the "yeah, yeah, I already know I'm supposed to be doing that" category. But knowing you should do something and actually doing it are two different things. For the sake of your mental health and your job performance, it's worth seriously committing to any or all of these brain-boosting strategies.

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